The NanoBio Science Partnership addresses critical needs in middle grade (6th-8th) science education in the Black Belt region, an area that has long been characterized as socioeconomically and educationally disadvantaged. The partnership provides professional development to 6th to 8th grade science teachers in order to shift their instruction from conventional teaching strategies to the use of an inquiry-centered approach in conjunction with the infusion of NanoBio science principles and 3-D simulations of concepts from their science curricula. Curriculum modules that support inquiry are being developed for use by the teachers and are tied to the middle grade science curricular objectives. The project also is recruiting and training prospective science teachers through the partnering universities' teacher preparation programs to provide them with an appropriately challenging and contemporary science curricula and teacher education foundation.
Project Contributions

Assessing Dimensions of Inquiry Practice by Middle School Science Teachers Engaged in a Professional Development Program
"Inquiry-based teaching promotes students engagement in problem-solving and investigation as they learn science concepts. Current practice in science teacher education promotes the use of inquiry in the teaching of science.…
"Inquiry-based teaching promotes students engagement in problem-solving and investigation as they learn science concepts. Current practice in science teacher education promotes the use of inquiry in the teaching of science.…

Improving K-12 Science Instruction - Higher Education/K-12 Partnership, Professional Development, Mentoring & Collaborative Strategies
"This partnership among 5 universities, 9 school districts, 5 community colleges, STEM industry, science centers and SECME, a pre-college STEM initiative is led by Tuskegee University and focuses on the…
"This partnership among 5 universities, 9 school districts, 5 community colleges, STEM industry, science centers and SECME, a pre-college STEM initiative is led by Tuskegee University and focuses on the…

Tuskegee University Math and Science Partnership (MSP): A NanoBio Science for the Alabama Black Belt Region
Posted by: Carol Banks . Through funding from a MSP-Start grant, Tuskegee University and its partners mentioned above have completed preliminary work to gain a thorough understanding of the issues that are affecting the teaching…
Posted by: Carol Banks . Through funding from a MSP-Start grant, Tuskegee University and its partners mentioned above have completed preliminary work to gain a thorough understanding of the issues that are affecting the teaching…